CSR Initiatives
CSR policy, philosophy, and promotion system

CSR policy, philosophy, and promotion system
Looking to, thinking about, and creating the future
Corporate Philosophy System Diagram

Plastic products that can coexist with nature
Oral care products that help people keep good health
(Healthy Mouth = Healthy Body = Healthy and Happy)

Friendly to people, friendly to the earth
(Looking to, thinking about, and creating the future)
Yamato-Esulon CSR Policy
Basic policy
As a company that supports people’s good health and livelihoods, we will thoroughly pursue manufacturing and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society based on our founding spirit of “looking to, thinking about, and creating the future.”
- Business activities that consider environmental conservation
- Voluntary social contribution activities
- Providing safe, secure and valued services
- Maintaining sound management
- Development of human resources that can improve and solve social issues
- Creating a healthy, vibrant and comfortable workplace
- Making people healthy and happy with oral care
Basic philosophy
Friendly to people, friendly to the earth
One who can be kind to others can also cherish things and be friendly to nature and the earth as well.
Each employee values compassion and acts responsibly.
CSR Promotion System

CSR Priority Items